Thursday, August 14, 2008

I Can See for Piles and Piles

I Can See for Piles and Piles and Piles

Everyone piles. Even we Professional Organizers pile sometimes. You’re in a hurry, short on time, you pile. Yes, even if you’re organized you pile occasionally. The difference between being organized and piling and just piling without a plan is that when you’re organized, you can quickly file and dispatch the piles. When you just pile, you just keep piling until:
▫ You can’t take it anymore once you’ve lost something truly valuable
▫ Your Significant Other threatens to leave you
▫ Your boss threatens to fire you
▫ Your children threaten to report you to Oprah!

You don’t want to go on Oprah do you? With a proper filing system that suits the way you think, it should be easy, enjoyable, and a no-brainer to file away all those papers that you’ll probably never even look at again!

Jan Davis


moon said...

Enjoyable? Shirley, you jest! Seriously, I wouldn't have so many piles if the world didn't insist on sending so much crap my way! I think we should just outlaw junk mail and that would cut the piles by 90%

moon said...

and yes, I do want to go on Oprah, especially the Holiday gift show...