Monday, August 18, 2008

Up a Lazy River with Me

Ahhh, laziness. Sloth. It’s soooo easy and an easy trap to fall in to. You set something down, followed by something else, followed by paper, followed by important things, and before you know it…. PILES. Piles that become so overwhelming that after a while become insurmountable. Where to begin? “I can’t deal with all of this so I won’t deal with it at all. I’m depressed. I can’t act.”

There’s a big difference between being lazy and truly having an inability to comprehend getting organized or just getting behind in your organizing that you used to do. I once had a client that said she had a problem with her laundry. “What’s the problem?” She responded that once she washed the clothes she didn’t like to put them away.

I’m giving you space to reflect on that. Am I a bad organizer because I responded, “Then you just have to put the clothes away.”? Do you have an idea for how else the laundry would get put away? I suggested a housekeeper but that wasn’t in her budget. Please, help me on this one. She lived alone by the way. Suggestions welcome!

Jan Davis

1 comment:

moon said...

Do what I do and just get dressed out of the dryer- no muss no fuss