Monday, September 22, 2008

How to Protect Your Stuff from Critters

Silverfish love paper. I don’t know why but every time I open an old box containing paper, they scramble away from me. I don’t know if they cause much damage but they’re just kind of gross.

Don’t store paper in a cardboard box. That’s like coating ice cream in chocolate! Mice will chew thru it, spiders will set up shop, and silverfish will have a daily cocktail party for their friends!

Plastic containers with snapping lids will deter them. I’ve never found mouse poop in one and even though silverfish are slim, I’ve never seen one in a plastic container with a good snap down lid. The ones with lids that fold down like wings don’t deter them and a loose lid bulging from too much stuff will allow them in, too.

If you really want to protect your stuff, not only use a good plastic container with a tight lid, throw in a lavender or cedar sachet. That’s like a stink bomb to them. They’ll move on to the next place that has nice, juicy cardboard boxes!

Jan Davis

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