Monday, September 22, 2008

How to Protect Your Stuff from Critters

Silverfish love paper. I don’t know why but every time I open an old box containing paper, they scramble away from me. I don’t know if they cause much damage but they’re just kind of gross.

Don’t store paper in a cardboard box. That’s like coating ice cream in chocolate! Mice will chew thru it, spiders will set up shop, and silverfish will have a daily cocktail party for their friends!

Plastic containers with snapping lids will deter them. I’ve never found mouse poop in one and even though silverfish are slim, I’ve never seen one in a plastic container with a good snap down lid. The ones with lids that fold down like wings don’t deter them and a loose lid bulging from too much stuff will allow them in, too.

If you really want to protect your stuff, not only use a good plastic container with a tight lid, throw in a lavender or cedar sachet. That’s like a stink bomb to them. They’ll move on to the next place that has nice, juicy cardboard boxes!

Jan Davis

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Perfectly Organized?

Some people think that an organizer will come in and make everything look perfect. All lined up, matching baskets and containers, everything labeled and looking all nice and neat.

What we really do is make it look the way you’re comfortable with and within your budget. I like to reuse what you already have so you don’t have to go buy a bunch of new things. It probably won’t look perfect and match, but it will save you money and not be as intimidating once I’m gone. Most people prefer good enough to perfect. They’re just happy to be de-cluttered and can find things and don’t care about the matching baskets like you see in ads.

Buying a bunch of those can be expensive and they’re difficult to label so you have no idea what’s in them. Then add other household members to the fray and things get all mixed up. Is this the battery basket or the basket of unknown wires?

I’m not a big fan of baskets since you can’t see in them. I love clear or tinted plastic containers and drawers. The Container Store at has tons to choose from at reasonable prices. If you live near one, go in and browse around. It’s like heaven on earth! In all of San Diego county, the only one we have is in Mission Valley but it’s worth the drive!

Jan Davis

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Are You Being Served?

Does your stuff serve you or are you just paying rent for your stuff? What is it worth? If you pay for a storage unit, then there better be some damn good stuff in there to make it worthwhile. Storage units aren’t cheap but have you noticed how many of them are now?

Write in and tell me why you think there are so many storage places now. Is it because:

▫ We like to get in our cars to go visit our stuff?
▫ People are living in storage units because it’s cheaper than rent?
▫ We may need it someday?

Evaluate just how much you love your stuff as opposed to your day to day living. Do you love it so much that you’re willing to do without $100-$150 a month worth of gas, food, clothes, or whatever is truly important? Go in that storage unit and take a look around with a new eye. Do you really need it?

Jan Davis

A Picture’s Worth… well, 1000 Pictures

Ok, so back to “One In, One Out”. Whew. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest about yucky stuff.

This rule works well for everything in your house. Not just clothes. The rule’s partner rule is “Do I Really Need This and Where Will It Go?”

You’re in Chinatown and you see this adorable Foo Dog. Ooooh, it’s soooo cute! STOP! Where will you put it? Is it four inches big or FOUR FEET big? Will the cats easily knock it over? Will your 5 year old want to play with it? Picture where it will go.

If you’re on a budget, (and who isn’t these days?) is it worth that amount? If it’s a four dollar 4 inch Foo dog, that’s a little different from a $400 FOUR FOOT Foo dog. Use your Foolish head! Picture where you will put or use anything before you buy it! I’ll be sitting on your shoulder. I’m watching!

Jan Davis