Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Perfectly Organized?

Some people think that an organizer will come in and make everything look perfect. All lined up, matching baskets and containers, everything labeled and looking all nice and neat.

What we really do is make it look the way you’re comfortable with and within your budget. I like to reuse what you already have so you don’t have to go buy a bunch of new things. It probably won’t look perfect and match, but it will save you money and not be as intimidating once I’m gone. Most people prefer good enough to perfect. They’re just happy to be de-cluttered and can find things and don’t care about the matching baskets like you see in ads.

Buying a bunch of those can be expensive and they’re difficult to label so you have no idea what’s in them. Then add other household members to the fray and things get all mixed up. Is this the battery basket or the basket of unknown wires?

I’m not a big fan of baskets since you can’t see in them. I love clear or tinted plastic containers and drawers. The Container Store at has tons to choose from at reasonable prices. If you live near one, go in and browse around. It’s like heaven on earth! In all of San Diego county, the only one we have is in Mission Valley but it’s worth the drive!

Jan Davis

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