Monday, October 6, 2008

Mice Mice, Baby

You probably don’t have mice in your house but if you have a storage shed on your property, they’re partying in there right now.

Personally, I’m a rodent lover but that’s just me. I’ve had several hamsters, a couple of mice, and would have a rat if I had time to take care of one. I think they’re cute but two cats are enough to care for!

When they get in your stuff and chew it up and potty all over it, though, that’s not cool. I had a client that had proudly saved her oldest son’s schoolwork in a cardboard box with a drawer for each year. Then she stored it in the shed. I know, but this was pre-Jan.
Not only did it stink, but who would want to pull that out years later when they’re sitting around the fire with their grandchildren looking at what Daddy did when he was young? The whole thing was pretty chewed up.

I’m not an advocate for killing vermin, but we eventually hired a pest control company to eradicate the rodents from the shed. Happy day for the client but sad day for the rodents. She eventually had garage cabinets installed and I moved everything from the shed that wasn’t a tool or metal and containerized everything in good, sturdy plastic containers and put it all in the garage. At least her son is spared the embarrassment of sharing his school work with his children someday!

Jan Davis

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