Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Bain of the Organizer’s Existence

HGTV. There, I said it. I watch it, I learn from it, but it’s like a sitcom or game show. It’s staged. If someone came to you and said, “We’ll pay for everything you need if you’ll just do what we say”, would you do it? Hell yes! Of course you would.

The reality part of these unrealistic shows is that they make it look like the messy room is transformed in a weekend. First of all, the only day they don’t film or work is Sun. so they’re not really doing it in a weekend. Second, there are hardly any Professional Organizers that organize, paint, design custom furniture, and hang shelves. Wow, they must get paid a lot if they do! What, they don’t get paid?? The people on the show don’t know where all their stuff goes that gets removed from the room? They’re perfectly happy every time with what the organizer presents to them? Hmmm.

I know a few of the organizers that have been on “those shows” and a 20 minute show can take 5 - 6 weeks of filming! Crews of people come in, the organizer does what the producer tells her to do, (for show value), and the people have to stay elsewhere for a while.

If you can afford to move out, agree to all the perfect matching containers and baskets that they purchase, hire a painter, handyman, and don’t care how many people it takes to clear your clutter and maybe never see any of your stuff again, (without your input) then I’ll do it for you but it’s not what I normally do!

Jan Davis

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