Monday, December 22, 2008

When You Get a Little Behind

I feel a little naughty writing that title! We all get behind. Life happens. Death and illness happen. Divorce, marriage, whatever happens, it can put you off track. You can spend your whole life being an organized person, then BAM. Your father falls ill, you’re going through a divorce, and your employer has downsized so much that you’re doing the job of 3 people.

Opening mail, filing, processing the mundane things of everyday life have to take a back seat to your sanity! Most of it can pile up as long as you’re paying your bills on time. Late charges can eat into your budget and your credit rating.

I recommend that you set up as many online automatic payments as possible. It’s liberating, allows you to be gone for long periods of time, and takes that weight off your mind. Check with your bank to see just how simple it is. If you need some handholding, I can help with that as we get you set up. I’m happy to provide some referrals from other people I have helped with that. Besides, I’m not smart enough to figure out how to siphon off your money!

Jan Davis

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