Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Clothes Challenge Part I

Oh, have I seen tons of clothes as a Professional Organizer! I’ve seen big shouldered jackets still hanging in closets with 20 years of dust on them, I’ve seen men’s rayon shirts from the disco era, and a 50 year old woman with her prom dress still hanging in her closet. Why? Because all fashion eventually comes around and they spent so much on these clothes, they must be worth something!

Let’s talk about fashion. Yes, fashion constantly resurrects itself but when it comes back around after 20 years, it’s in a little bit different format than before. And you know what else? Twenty years later your body is probably just a wee bit different. Ok, so maybe you can sell it. Is it worth the closet space to be able to sell a $60 pair of pants for maybe $15? Didn’t you get your money’s worth out of it 20 years ago? If it was that fabulous, don’t you have photos of you in it?

If you don’t and you still have the piece of clothing, lay it out, take a picture, and donate it so someone else can have a great Halloween costume!

Jan Davis

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