Thursday, August 14, 2008

You Can't Freak Me out!

You’re So Vain, You Probably Think This Article’s About You

Sorry Carly Simon. Most of my clients think they must be the worst I’ve ever seen. Au contraire! I’m going to share with you the worst I’ve ever seen so you know you won’t shock or surprise me. Picture this:

▫ Spiders and webs in all the kitchen cabinets because they haven’t been used in years.
▫ Cockroaches nesting in the coffee maker and in every cabinet happily co-existing with the spiders.
▫ Mice feces all over the bedroom floor under the papers, food, plates, and clothes.
▫ The only bathub/shower being inaccessible to anyone, much less the woman in a wheelchair.
▫ Medication all over the bedroom floor accessible to the many small dogs that “lived” there.
▫ Collecting 17 large yard bags of trash from the living room and dining room.
▫ Finding mouse bones in the bedroom closet that hadn’t been opened in years due to the pile of clothes in front of it.

Get the picture? Now you know that your stacks of paper in your home office can’t freak me out!

Jan Davis

1 comment:

moon said...

I will not take responsibility for the mouse bones- that was the cat's doing. I was blocking the closet to keep the human bones from being discovered...