Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Clothes Challenge Part II

I live in a condo so I don’t have an expandable closet. I envy the people I work with that seem to believe their closet will expand as they add more clothes to it. Mine unfortunately stays the same size. Since it’s not made of rubber or whatever my clients’ closets are made of, I like to practice the rule of “One In, One Out”. If I bring an article of clothing into my non-expanding closet, then something else has to be donated to some poor woman that is dying for a 4 year old piece of clothing.

Ok, now this is going to turn into a rant and I’ll have to finish this original train of thought later.

The Rant: If it’s so ugly, stained, torn, or otherwise gross, why even bother to donate it? Poor people have their pride, too. Many of the articles of clothing I see clients donate are mildewed, stained, and just otherwise gross. It’s OK to throw away clothes! If you watch TV and see people in poor parts of Africa, they’re wearing the clothes that are donated in the US but they’re not wearing the mildewed ones! Give yourself permission to just throw away some things. Clothes, tablecloths, whatever doesn’t make a good rag!

Jan Davis

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